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My Game Tester / QA reel, and steps to reproduce some of the glitches in it

Recently I've been looking into the possibility of getting a QA testing job for video games. Although that type of job pays less than a programming job, it's good experience and I feel like I could get by on a QA tester's salary. I have a long history of breaking games, and have made a name for myself on Youtube for making entertaining videos with glitches I've discovered in released games, especially Skate 3.

I put together a reel of glitches I've found in video games that I personally discovered and that I can reliably reproduce:

Over the next few weeks I will be updating this blog post with mock bug reports for these glitches. These bug reports sometimes require me to boot up the games and recreate the glitches so they might take some time to create. I'll try to focus on adding bug reports to this blog post every day I can until I've covered every bug in the video. Keep in mind that these bug reports will be a bit amateurish as I have not actually had a real QA testing job yet (but I hope to get one soon!)

UPDATE: After finally applying for a game tester job I found they were quite a bit worse paying than previously anticipated. I will continue looking for programming jobs.


Timestamp: 1:54

Game: Super Mario Odyssey

Bug Name: Pole Swinging Wall Clip in Snow Kingdom near Moon 27

Version: 1.1.0

Severity: Medium

Reported by: Landon Townsend

Reported on: 2/16/2018

Reason: Exploit

Environment: Nintendo Switch console

Description: Wall near Moon 27 in Snow Kingdom can be clipped through by pole swinging

Steps to reproduce:

1. Get to Moon 27 in the Snow Kingdom (it's the side moon in the area in the overworld, after clearing the blizzard by winning the race, where you have to put your hat on a scarecrow to enter, and then get through an obstacle course with zones of freezing water.)

2. Jump to the nearby horizontal swinging pole

3. Jump from that pole to the pole next to it. When above the pole, dive towards the camera. Grab the end of the pole when diving (the end with the metal tip). You should notice Mario "swinging" towards the camera, with a strange animation.

4. After about a quarter of a second, press the "jump" button. If you don't wait long enough, Mario will jump from the pole instead of dropping from it. If you wait too long, Mario will not be tilted enough towards the camera to clip through the wall.

5. If you have pressed "jump" with good enough timing, Mario will drop and clip through the wall.

Expected result: Mario should drop from the pole without ending up on the outside of the wall. You should not be able to clip through the wall this way. Mario should not be able to tilt "sideways" while swinging from a pole; his tilt axis should be locked to the direction of the horizontal pole.


Timestamp: 2:04

Game: Dark Souls 3

Bug name: Out of bounds glitch in plaza of Undead Settlement near "Undead Settlement" bonfire

Version: 1.09

Severity: Medium

Reported by: Landon Townsend

Reported on: 2/16/2018

Reason: Out of Bounds Glitch

Environment: Windows 10

Description: wall in Undead Settlement can be scaled up through running jumps in order to get out of bounds

Steps to reproduce:

1. Go to the "Undead Settlement" bonfire in Undead Settlement

2. Make your way forward through the first building, into the large plaza with the Evangelist enemy and congregation

3. Hug the wall to the left until you hit a wooden house, with a small recessed area bordered by a large tree, a wall of large rocks, and the building.

4. Start run-jumping (holding the "Roll" button to run, then clicking the stick to jump) towards the rock wall, right next to the building.

5. If you do this enough you should start to make progress climbing the rock wall. Continue run-jumping until you reach the top.

6. From this point you can explore this top area or simply fall off the edge of the world.

Expected result: run jumping at the rock wall should not allow you to climb it. The area above it is clearly not meant to be explored judging by its unfinished nature, broken polygons and fall-through floors


Timestamp: 3:13

Game: Just Cause 3

Bug Name: Dismount Undead Race ATV to fall through world

Version: 1.05

Severity: Low

Reported by: Landon Townsend

Reported on: 2/21/2018

Reason: Fall through world exploit

Environment: Windows 10

Description: By restarting a race when your ATV is destroyed you can start the race while on / possessing a destroyed ATV, dismounting this ATV will make you fall through the world.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Start the "Stunt Jump Sprint" in Maestrale.

2. Attach several rocket mines to the ATV.

3. Get on the ATV and activate the rocket mines.

4. Press and hold P (restart). Time it so that the race will be restarted when the rocket mines explode.

5. The ATV will spawn "destroyed" with you riding it, but invisible. Wait for the ATV to slide to the bottom of the wooden ramp.

6. Dismount the ATV. You will fall through the world geometry and into the ocean below.

Expected result: When you restart the race, the ATV should not be destroyed.


Timestamp: 3:41

Game: Just Cause 3

Bug Name: Mount pogo stick through truck bed for extremely high jump

Version: 1.05

Severity: Low

Reported by: Landon Townsend

Reported on: 2/19/2018

Reason: General Glitch

Environment: Windows 10

Description: mounting a pogo stick that is on the bottom of a truck bed results in an extremely high jump.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Fast travel to Citate de Ravello.

2. As you hang from the helicopter, note the large black building with the two towers. This is the tallest building on screen. The building you want to glide to is two buildings to the right of this.

3. On the top of this building on the far side you will find a pogo stick. Do not get it yet. Jump off the building.

4. Go to the road near the side of the building and open your Rebel Drop menu.

5. Select "Vehicles", "Military Cars", then "Stria Obrero". Click "Request Drop".

6. Press "F" to deploy the beacon and click to throw it into the parking lot.

7. Once the truck has been dropped, grapple back up to the roof and get the pogo stick.

8. Press "E" to activate it. Bounce off the building and dismount the pogo stick next to the side of the truck.

9. Using your grappling hook, tether the pogo stick to the bottom of the side of the truck, next to the back wheel.

10. Press "Shift" to retract the tether so that the pogo stick is pulled to the bottom of the truck.

11. Grapple onto the truck and jump into the bed. Stand near the middle but far back enough that the "E: Activate" prompt appears.

12. Press E to "Activate" the pogo stick.

13. You should get launched hundreds to possibly thousands of feet into the air while on the pogo stick.

Expected result: You mount the pogo stick, but bounce where you are instead of getting launched extremely high.


Timestamp: 3:52

Game: Just Cause 3

Bug Name: Restart race with destroyed vehicle

Version: 1.05

Severity: Low

Reported by: Landon Townsend

Reported on: 2/19/2018

Reason: General Glitch

Environment: Windows 10

Description: Race can be started with a broken version of the vehicle; certain vehicles have erratic behavior when this happens. The race can be exited and the erratic vehicle can be kept.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Start the Volo Maxime race at the northern part of the Prospere county (this works with any race but this one works the best)

2. Start the race with the default vehicle (any vehicle will work but the default one has the most erratic behavior)

3. Get in the plane and fly through the first checkpoint.

4. Immediately nose dive off the cliff.

5. Start holding "P" (the "retry" button). Time it so that you'll retry right when you crash into the ground. This may take a few tries but it's not extremely precise.

6. You will retry with a destroyed plane. The default plane for the race specified has extremely erratic behavior in this state and will spin and rocket around the world in an unpredictable and uncontrollable fashion. This destroyed version of this plane is invulnerable.

7. You can end the race and keep the destroyed version of the plane. It will bounce around the game map until you exit it.

Expected result: The race is retried with a normal, non-destroyed version of the vehicle.

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