"Super Imposter" shader: my journey to make a high quality imposter shader
The Goal First, the definition of what I was trying to accomplish: rendering with polygons and with voxels are two currently very well...

4D Perlin and Worley noise fractals
I've been working on this for the last few days. I don't consider any of the code I wrote here to be particularly impressive; it's all...

A few noise related things I completed but didn't get around to making a post on (until now)
The first one's a simple animated cloud, made using tessellation and a simple vertex offset along the normal. It uses a 4D Perlin noise...

Randomly Generating Terrain: Improvements
Over the past day I made some improvements to my randomly generating terrain tool: New features include: Added Height: raises the...

Randomly Generated Terrain
I took a break from programming for a little bit and to get back into it, I decided what I wanted to do was get started on learning how...

Shader experimentation: Cut-out billboard particles with depth
This is something that has been bothering me for a while. The majority of billboard particles in games have completely flat intersections...

Learning to use Unity's new Shader Graph: Dissolve Shader
I decided to get to know Unity's new shader graph system. It's a lot like Unreal Engine 4's, although it's a bit messier and a bit...

Pylon Rogue's Rim Light in Unity (from my job at QuantumSquid)
One of my big contributions to our Pylon Rogue project at Quantum Squid was adding a rim light feature to the character shader in our...

GLSL Graphics Program
So this is the first program on my resume, a GLSL graphics program, build entirely in C++. I did this over the course of a term;...