Randomly Generating Terrain: Improvements
Over the past day I made some improvements to my randomly generating terrain tool: New features include: Added Height: raises the...

Custom character controller for platformers (part 2)
After around 25 hours total on this project, this is the state of the 3D platformer prototype. The biggest work has been on the character...

Custom Character Controller for Platformers (work in progress) - Part 1
If you're going to make a professional game, you're going to need to know how to program a character controller. Unity's built in one is...

Unity 1 day animation test
I spent 6 hours and 10 minutes working with the animator, programming physics, etc. for a character. Everything in this video was coded...

Added color to my fractal program
I don't know why it took me so long to decide to do this, but yesterday I thought "I have some time to kill, I'm going to add colors to...

Finally showing off my Unity game prototype
I put off adding this to my blog because I didn't want to risk having my idea stolen, but at this point getting a job or internship is...

Fractals I created over Christmas Break
I spent some time over Christmas Break making some fractals with my fractal program. The first thing I did was figure out an easy way to...

First project: Fractal Editor
I have three projects I worked on at AI on my resume. The second one listed is a real time fractal editor. I did most of the fractal...